Long-term disability insurance goes to work when you can't

Most people don't realize the high risk of becoming permanently or temporarily disabled at some point in their lives. If you were totally disabled and couldn't work as a result of an illness or injury, do you have the resources today to cover your expenses for weeks, months, or even longer?

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How does long-term disability insurance work?

  • It pays monthly income directly to you when you're unable to work because of a covered total disability.
  • You choose the length of time you must be disabled before you start receiving benefits (Elimination Period) and the length of time you would receive benefits.
  • Options include a five-year benefit period or a "to age 67" benefit option.
  • Maximum monthly benefit amounts range from $500 to $20,000, based on your income and occupation.
  • You can customize your coverage with different riders.

Did you know?

  • The average Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) monthly benefit as of October 2021 was $1,441 a month ($17,292 annually).1
  • The 2021 Poverty Guideline for a family of two is $17,240.2
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in March 2020, 35 percent of the U.S. workforce had long-term disability coverage available to them.3

By owning a long-term disability insurance policy, the monthly benefit can help:

  • Pay your bills
  • Pay your rent or mortgage loan payments
  • Buy groceries
  • Make car payments

Do you have the resources today?

Using savings

Savings accounts can serve as a temporary safety net, but most people haven't saved enough. A disability policy can provide a longer-term solution. 40 percent of households don't have enough savings to replace their income for three months.4

Collecting social security

Because the definition of disability is very strict (the disability must be expected to last 12 months or more, or result in death), it generally takes three to five months from time of application for SSDI benefits to get an initial decision.5

Consider long-term disability insurance

For additional information on long-term disability insurance or short-term disability insurance, schedule some time with a State Farm® agent to talk about your disability insurance needs.

Make an informed choice


1 Social Security Monthly Statistical Snapshot, October 2021
2 ASPE - HHS Poverty Guidelines for 2021
3 Bureau of Labor Statistics
4 Disability Statistics
5 Social Security Administration - What You Should Know Before You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits

Disability insurance products are not available in MA, NJ, and RI.

The information provides a brief, general description of the coverage provided by these policies. It is not a contract and certain exclusions and limitations apply. A complete statement of the coverage provided is found only in the policy itself. Policy coverages, exclusions, and limitations may vary in some states.

For exact terms and conditions see:
Long-Term Disability policy series 97064, 97065 (policy form ICC17 97064IC1 and ICC17 97065IC1 in ID; policy form 97064MT1 (2021) and 97065MT1 (2021) in MT).

This section describes situations and conditions in which payment will be limited or denied even if you otherwise qualify for benefits.

AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, CO, DC, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV -

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Your participation in the commission of a felony, riot, or insurrection;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Your legal intoxication defined by state law where the loss occurs, or loss that results from Your use of narcotics or other controlled substances, unless administered on the advice of a Physician;

7. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;

9. Attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or

10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

CA –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Your participation in the commission of a felony, riot, or insurrection;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Your legal intoxication defined by state law where the loss occurs, or loss that results from Your use of narcotics or other controlled substances, unless administered on the advice of a Physician;

7. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days; or

9. Attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

FL –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war. We will not construe an act of terrorism to be an act of undeclared war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Your participation in the commission of a felony, riot, or insurrection;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Your legal intoxication defined by state law where the loss occurs, or loss that results from Your use of narcotics or other controlled substances, unless administered on the advice of a Physician;

7. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

8. Any period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution;

9. Attempted suicide, while sane or insane, or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or

10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

MT –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

2. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

3. Your participation in the commission of a felony, riot, or insurrection for which You have been convicted in a court of law;

4. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

5. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

6. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days; or

7. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement, as determined by a Physician, is required for the evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder and could adversely affect Your condition if omitted. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition, unless such loss occurs or disability commences 12 months or more after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

ND –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Your participation in the commission of a felony or insurrection;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Your legal intoxication defined by state law where the loss occurs, or loss that results from Your use of narcotics or other controlled substances, unless administered on the advice of a Physician;

7. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;

9. Attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or

10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

NY –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Injury or Sickness caused in the commission of a felony;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

7. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;

8. Attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or

9. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition during the first 12 months, after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

SD –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Injury or Sickness caused in the commission of a felony;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

7. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;

8. Attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or

9. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition during the first 12 months after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

WY –

Exclusions. This policy does not provide benefits for Disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy, as diagnosed by a Physician, are covered as a Sickness;

2. War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war;

3. Active duty in the armed forces, auxiliary units, national guard, or similar government organizations of any nation or international authority;

4. Your participation in the commission of a felony, riot, or insurrection;

5. Your engagement in an illegal occupation;

6. Your legal intoxication defined by state law where the loss occurs, or loss that results from Your use of narcotics or other controlled substances, unless administered on the advice of a Physician;

7. Injury or Sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection, or other diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;

8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;

9. Attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or

10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of Your occupational license or certificate.

Limitations. The following limitations apply to this policy:

1. Mental or Nervous Disorder Limitation. The total amount payable under this policy for any Period of Disability caused or contributed to by a Mental or Nervous Disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 months. If You are a resident patient in a Hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while You remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of Your Mental or Nervous Disorder. This limitation will not extend the Maximum Benefit Period shown on the Policy Schedule.

2. Pre-existing Condition Limitation. We will not pay benefits for loss resulting from a Pre-existing Condition, unless such loss occurs or disability commences 12 months or more after the Effective Date of Coverage.

3. Concurrent Disability. If a continuous Period of Disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) Injury or Sickness, it is a concurrent disability. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) Injury or one (1) Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more than one (1) continuous Period of Disability at the same time.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL


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