Regulatory notices

All regulatory notices are available to view below.

Customer Relationship Summary

The Customer Relationship Summary ("CRS") is intended to inform customers about:

  • The type of customer relationships and services State Farm VP Management Corp. offers;
  • The fees, costs, conflicts of interest, and required standard of conduct associated with those relationships and services;
  • Whether State Farm VP Management Corp. and its financial professionals currently have reportable disciplinary history; and
  • How to obtain additional information about the firm.

CRS also includes questions to help customers begin a discussion with a financial professional including information regarding services, fees, costs, conflicts and disciplinary information.

Regulation Best Interest Supplemental Disclosures

Department of Labor Investment Advice Fiduciary Disclosures

Investment Adviser Disclosures

Order Routing Disclosure

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has amended its Rule 606, which relates to disclosure of order routing practices. SFVPMC routes all of its SEC Rule 606 eligible orders to its clearing firm, Pershing LLC, and does not receive any payment for order flow from the venues listed in this disclosure.

Pershing LLC is a registered broker-dealer that sends orders on behalf of clients for routing to market centers for execution. For additional information about Pershing LLC’s payment for order flow practices, please see Pershing’s SEC Rule 606 disclosure.

Pershing prepares a quarterly report that reflects Pershing's routing practices of orders. To access a report of our Order Routing Practices, type "STATE FARM VP MANAGEMENT CORP" in the text box that appears after clicking on the following link.

To request a written copy of the most recent quarterly report or an account-level report on trades placed on SFVPMC’s behalf, please call (833) 919-1059.

Sales of Securities on Military Installations

Securities distributed by State Farm VP Management Corp. 

Securities are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal. 

Neither State Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.
